, garmin gps system 

garmin gps system


Temat: Quad na rajd pustynny.... czyli co by tu zbudować na zimę...
...course. The course is entered via a remote control. Eight red and green LEDs tell the rider when to change direction. The device also features a magnetic compass which is calibrated by an external GPS to avoid deviations caused by the metallic parts of the motorbike. Once calibrated the data is stored in the NAV- Assistant and remains stored even if no GPS system is connected or if the GPS is defective (9th blue LED lights permanently). The NAV- Assistant also complements the Garmin GPS system in an ideal way. At speeds above 20 km/h, the NAV- Assistant takes over the data from the GPS (blue LED flashes), at lower speeds the GPS system does not provide correct data. In this case the Nav-Assistant switches to compass operation. If you want to follow waypoints with the GPS connected, you must switch to "Route"; then the red and green LEDs indicate the direction when you reach the next waypoint Description The NAV- Assistant...
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