, gaius marius 

gaius marius


Temat: Who Was Departing?
...founder of the Quakers * 1658 - Edward Sexby, English Puritan soldier * 1630 - Yuan Chonghuan, Chinese military commander * 1599 - Edmund Spenser, English poet * 1363 - Meinhard III of Gorizia-Tyrol * 1330 - Frederick I of Austria * 1177 - Henry II of Austria * 1151 - Abbot Suger, French statesman and historian * 1138 - Simon I, Duke of Lorraine * 888 - Charles the Fat, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 839) * 858 - King Ethelwulf of Wessex (b. 795) * 703 - Empress Jitō of Japan (b. 645) * 86 BC - Gaius Marius, Roman general and politician (b. 157 BC)
Źródło: nazwa_imprezy.wirtualnezory.pl/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6578

Temat: Ulubiona Postac Historyczna
...pisarzem, kompozytorem, muzykiem, wodzem, politykiem, estetą ) 2. Fryderyk Barbarossa ( za to jak osiągnął wieczną pamięć u potomnych skromnie zaczynając w trudnych czasach ) 3. Fryderyk II Hohenstauf ( za bycie człowiekiem renesansu w średniowieczu ) 4. Otto von Bismarck ( za czyny niemal niemożliwe i doskonałą politykę ) 5. Gustav Adolf ( za bycie wspaniałym wodzem w słusznej sprawie ) 6. Iulius Caesar ( za wszelkie talenta i spadek dla potomnych ) 7. Gaius Marius ( za wspaniały zmysł organizacyjny, reformy, talent wodzowski ) 8. bracia Gracchowie ( za odwagę ) 9. Cato Starszy ( za upartość w dążeniu do słusznego celu ) 10. Romulus et Remus ^^ ( za uczynienie Europy Europą ) W grupie wielkich zasłużonych `` lub za coś lubianych ale za coś innego mniej...hehe Karol XII - wspaniały ale pobity wódz Axel Oxenstjerna - taki by sie przydał w rządzie Wilhelm II H. - fajny gość ale pozwolił sobie na...
Źródło: forum.totalwar.org.pl/viewtopic.php?t=852

Temat: Хписак ĐşĐźÄËÄË‡ŃƒĐťĐ° РиПĐ° Đ´Đź ПĐşтавиŃ˜Đ°Đ˝Đ° АвĐłŃƒŃŃ‚Đ°
...Balbus, Gaius Porcius Cato 113 Gnaeus Papirius Carbo, Gaius Caecilius Metellus Caprarius 112 Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus, Marcus Livius Drusus 111 Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, Lucius Calpurnius Bestia 110 Spurius Postumius Albinus, Marcus Minucius Rufus 109 Quintus Caecilius Metellus Numidicus, Marcus Junius Silanus 108 Servius Sulpicius Galba, Lucius Hortensius. Consul suffectus: Marcus Aurelius Scaurus 107 Lucius Cassius Longinus, Gaius Marius I 106 Quintus Servilius Caepio, Gaius Atilius Serranus 105 Gnaeus Mallius Maximus, Publius Rutilius Rufus 104 Gaius Flavius Fimbria,
Źródło: cobanovanje.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2458

Temat: Gigantyczne czaszki i kości . Odkrycia.
...Ohio, gives the following account of a large human skeleton, recently discovered in Ain, France. The frame is complete in all its parts, and is four yards in height. It was found in a soil of alluvium, the head buried in the earth, with the feet upward." â—Ź Angers' Giant A skeleton found in 1692 in a tomb near Angers, France, which measured seventeen feet four inches. â—Ź Battle near Aquae Sextiae, Two days after the battle at Aquae Sextiae, the great Roman general Gaius Marius tricked over one hundred thousand huge Teutones and Ambrones into attacking his retreating cavalry up a hill where he was posted. At the top, the cavalry suddenly turned. Being now joined by the legionnaires, they drove the pursuing Teutones and Ambrones into an ambush that Marius had set up in some nearby woods. Of the great Celtic army that began the battle, only three thousand escaped. â—Ź Bordeaux Giant In his De Gigantibus, Joh. Cassanio relates...
Źródło: davidicke.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2812

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