, gabirol 



Temat: Jehuda HaLevy
...the aged poet Judah ben Abun, Judah ibn Ghayyat of Granada, Moses ibn Ezra and his brothers Judah, Joseph, and Isaac, the vizier Abu al-Hasan, MeĂŻr ibn Kamnial, the physician and poet Solomon ben Mu'allam of Seville, besides his schoolmates Joseph ibn Migas and Baruch Albalia. Judah is considered the Prince of Poets. However, the Vizier Samuel ha-Nagid of Granada who excelled in the Sephardic poetry scale was in the previous generation as was the poet Solomon Ibn Gabirol of MĂĄlaga and Zaragoza. Also with the grammarian Abraham ibn Ezra. In Córdoba, Judah addressed a touching farewell poem to Joseph ibn ῒaddiå¸ł, the philosopher and poet. In Egypt, where the most celebrated men vied with one another in entertaining him, his reception was a veritable triumph. Here his particular friends were Aaron ben Jeshua Alamani in Alexandria, the nagid Samuel ben Hananiah in Cairo,[7] Halfon ha-Levi in Damietta, and an...
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